Monday, 17 February 2014

Blog 15 - Music moods...

This challenge was one of the easiest but was very long! Challenge 36 was to LISTEN TO MY ENTIRE CD COLLECTION in its entirety i.e. listen to all songs on all the albums I own,  all the way through. Since having children and mostly giving up the remote control on the TV and never getting the time to listen to my own music, I thought of this challenge as it would give me an excuse to turn off the children’s CDs and put my own music needs first for a change. I began this challenge in August and finished listening to all 186 CDs from my and Nick’s collection this week, all in all taking almost 6 months!
Although not a hard challenge, as I managed to listen to my CDs when I was driving mostly, it really depended on which CD I was listening to as to what mood it put me in for the day. Some days it made me all fired up and sometimes it brought me right down, sleepy or low, the music choice really affected my mood. There were some low points, and some truly awful albums in my opinion (mostly Nick’s 80s albums it has to be said!), some amusing moments including Mr Blobby CD and a few albums that brought back some amazing memories.  
One memory that came flooding back was when listening to U2 and I recalled the live concert I attended in Budapest when I was travelling when I was 18. I never really liked U2 until we got offered very cheap tickets in Budapest and I was totally in love with the band after it. I also met two young guys from the then Yugoslavia who lived in the same village and had grown up together but were currently at war and after the concert they would be going back to their respective sides and carry on fighting even though they were the best of friends. It was really emotional towards the end of the concert and a moment in history I will never forget!
On a lighter note, I also remembered running around Glastonbury as a young 20 something watching Prodigy live and singing a long to one of their most famous tracks, but in my naivety thought the lyrics were ‘Take my Picture’, if any of you know the correct lyrics for this song you will know how wrong I was! What a tit!
Anyway memories aside it was an enjoyable challenge on the whole and has helped me narrow down my choices for me to sing in a future challenge, but that story is for another blog!
So my 12th challenge completed, 28 to go!!
Challenge 4 – SWIM 40 LENGTHS – Swam 40 lengths of the 50m pool in Cardiff Bay with Lara Ramsay on 27.10.13. (Money spent £16 for goggles and entry to pool)
Challenge 8 – SCORE 40 ON A DART BOARD WITH ONE DART – Got a double top on my 9th try on 12.1.14
Challenge 9 – 40 HOUR FAST – I completed 40 hours not eating any food and surviving on water and flavoured water only. (Sept, with Karen Daniel)
Challenge 12 – VOLUNTEER FOR 40 HOURS - Aside from my RSPCA volunteering, 40 hours of my free time were given volunteering for NSPCC Childline Schools Service, PTA events and other fundraising events.  
Challenge 16 – 40 HOUR NO SWEARING OR £1 FINE – Completed between Tuesday 5 to Wednesday 6 November 2013.
Challenge 18 – TURN MOBILE PHONE OFF FOR 40 HOURS – I turned my phone off and had no access to facebook, twitter or emails at all for 40 hours. (Oct)
Challenge 19 – 40 HOUR SILENCE – Completed between Midnight on Thursday 14.11.13 until 4pm on Saturday 16.11.13.
Challenge 22 – ADOPTED A WILD ANIMAL – I adopted Jubilee an Asian Elephant through the Born Free Foundation. (Spent £30 for adoption fee)
Challenge 25 – GIVE BLOOD – Completed on 11.10.13.
Challenge 30 – APPLY FOR A GAME SHOW – I applied to two game shows ‘Deal or No Deal’ and ‘The Chase’ in August but have still not heard anything back. I also applied to Bargain Hunt this month for my colleague Paul who would love to go on this programme.
Challenge 36 – LISTEN TO MY ENTIRE CD COLLECTION – All 186 CDs were listened to by 17.2.14
Challenge 38 – HULA HOOP FOR 40 REVOLUTIONS – Completed in Sept. (Spent £18 on buying hoola hoop)

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